Tag Archives forCurate

Afraid You’ll Pick the Wrong Doctor?


When you look up a professional (a doctor or lawyer) on the web using search it takes a long time to find the references that can be trusted. You might get no references at all or many references and it would take you a long time going through them all to find the relevant quality ones.


Human curated information pages with all the best links about a particular professional you are researching.

Icons made by Freepik
September 1, 2016

Wouldn’t You Love to Find the Hidden Marketing Gems Out There?


Every minute there is a new marketing tactic that works, being used in a new way by someone. Wouldn’t you like it if someone was to keep an eye out for these and publish them?


Mix human-curated and algorithmic search with human analysis to find the best new ways marketers are using old and new tactics. Don’t publish everything, only the best ones. Charge a high fee for membership.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016