Tag Archives forSales

The Best Phone Sales Scripts


You want to create a sales script you can use on the phone in your field and need help.


A repository of the best phone sales scripts. These are contributed by experienced salespeople and are proven to work. Just find the ones that pertain to your field and use them as a starting point for your sales calls.

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December 1, 2016

Real Time Phone Sales Assistant


As a training tool for beginner sales people and as a sidekick for the more experienced ones.


Software that “listens” to your phone call audio, analyzes and understands what the client is saying and based on that shows you the best script to follow with them. This can change from sentence to sentence, depending on what the client says.

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November 30, 2016

Product Economics Transparency – an Experiment


It might lead to more income and better relationship with the customers.


Show cost of the online information product (making and marketing), how many you need to sell to make a profit, and how many already sold. Emphasize the smaller amount (first the amount sold, when the amount needed to turn a profit is near then show the amount still needed, and when the profit exists then show the profit.)

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November 10, 2016

Make Them Step Back for Better Conversions


Some evidence exists showing that physically taking a step back from a product, makes the buyer less likely to delay their purchase.


Use something – an interesting photo or graphics – on your sales page that is best viewed from a larger distance, and tell the reader to do exactly that – take a step back to see it better.

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November 4, 2016

Sell Online Using the Phone


Selling on the phone is more effective, so why not combine it with online technology (especially for higher ticket items)?


A website with the technology that enables the sales person to help the buyer by controlling what is happening on the web page the buyer is on now (on the seller’s web site.) The sale will either start with a phone call to the buyer by the sales person, or a request by the buyer while on the web page. The sales rep will then continue in parallel on the phone and collaboratively on the web page, controlling and guiding the buyer in both mediums (if he is any good), enabled by the web site technology that allows him to change things on the fly on the web page the buyer is seeing (and only that page – anyone else browsing that oage sees the standard version.)

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November 1, 2016