Let’s see who can predict the right time.
Have a site where people can vote and give their reasons for how much time they think it will take for Great Britain to be out of the EU.
A shortcut to the best books you must read if a field.
Have experts list books in different areas, from large ones like marketing to specific things like raising a child with X problem.
It would be very exciting and in real time.
Dedicate one or more screens in the stadium of sports events to live betting throughout the game, showing all the real-time betting data as it changes.
You are trying to define your brand or want to use a story in your next campaign etc. you need someone to help you design the story.
A service. Tell us your story and we’ll help you design the exact narrative using all the right archetypes, emotional triggers, to maximize its effect.
Make use of your internal communications to generate content ideas.
Have a bot monitor your internal communications on Slack and similar systems, or even email. When the bot discovers something that seems to be important it will search the internet for information on it, how popular is the subject already, is there other favorite content on the topic and much more. Using all the internal and external information, it will give a detailed suggestion on what content should be created and also all the background researched for it.