Archive Monthly Archives: September 2016

Flash Sale Inside Brick and Mortar Stores


Bring old and new customers in, and provide a fun, social and useful experience.


Have a separate room dedicated to the sale. Only allow a set number of people to go inside at a time. Next person can go in when another one comes out. People have to register in advance. People go inside in registration order. Each person has a time limit on the stay inside. They get a wristband that will beep when time is up. Payment for the goods happens inside.

Icons made by Freepik


September 1, 2016

Where Are People Getting Executed?


To visualize where are the places that are still executing people and to what extent.


Overlay a map of the world with dots representing people who were either executed, are waiting to be executed or are executed now. Use different colors.

Icons made by Freepik


September 1, 2016

Afraid You’ll Pick the Wrong Doctor?


When you look up a professional (a doctor or lawyer) on the web using search it takes a long time to find the references that can be trusted. You might get no references at all or many references and it would take you a long time going through them all to find the relevant quality ones.


Human curated information pages with all the best links about a particular professional you are researching.

Icons made by Freepik
September 1, 2016

Siri, Please Unlock My Phone and Launch the App


It’s inconvenient to ask Siri to launch an app when the phone is locked. You’ll be immediately asked to unlock it with your passcode or fingerprint.


Have a few rotating passcodes and say the right one when Siri asks for it to unlock and launch the app. Siri will recognize your voice and the passcode, and will always prompt you with the right hint as to what passcode you should use now.

Icons made by Freepik
September 1, 2016

An Online Information Center for Self Improvement Without Humbug


Too many information sources, too much information, many of it contradictory. It’s hard to tell what is fact and science based, what research is well done, and how to judge the results.


Write in simple terms a factual but interesting articles explaining what is out there, does it have a sound base, are the conclusions trustworthy, what weight do they carry etc.

Icons made by Freepik


September 1, 2016