You want to know what are the new lucrative niches that are out there.
A subscription service, where periodically you will get a report on the new lucrative niches, their numbers (size, competition, etc.), case studies, etc.
You would like an online business but are having trouble finding the right niche for you. Something that you are comfortable with has a large irrationally passionate and, easy to reach audience, the right amount of competition, etc.
A service where you can get an expert to do a live consultation with you, where he will help you find the right niche for you.
Behind an overnight success story lies a long road.
A website dedicated to telling the story of every new (and old) famous “overnight success,” showing what it really takes to make it.
Saves space on the table, ready for use anytime.
A flat dispenser of paper napkins that is attached to the underside of the dining table at one or more places. Anytime you need a paper napkin just pull one out.
Flip-flops are very ubiquitous nowadays, show them and their wearer’s feet in an interesting way.
A photo book dedicated to just flip-flops and feet (no identification of the wearer except their feet.)