Archive Monthly Archives: October 2016

Start With the Price


Your visitor will scroll to the bottom of your web page anyway, to check the price. This way you can take control.


Start with the price first, take control of your visitor’s mind and lead them. You need to make him want to continue by using a good hook like, “we have payment plans,” or using a price he will lose by not taking action, or some intrigue, curiosity, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


October 29, 2016

What Games Are Good for Your Kids


Are video games good for your kids? Which ones?


A website that reviews video and other games and tries to find out what are the benefits for the kids playing those games (what skills they are developing, both physical and mental), and what are the potential detriments.

Icons made by Freepik


October 29, 2016

The Book That Changed Their Lives


Get to know the most influential book of the rich and famous.


A website where public figures tell about the book that most influenced them.

Icons made by Freepik


October 29, 2016

Famous Dishes in Films


Help you find the dish you saw in a movie and learn more about it.


A website where you can find a dish based on a film (and vice versa), get recipes, history, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


October 29, 2016

Give Away Your Business Ideas


You know you will not execute your idea, but maybe someone else will.


A website where anyone can publish their business idea, and anyone can use them to try and build these businesses. A licensing mechanism should also be provided, from free with no strings attached, to all types of paid licenses.

Icons made by Freepik


October 29, 2016
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