Archive Monthly Archives: October 2016

Emotional State as Conversion Predictor


If we know the best emotional state for a specific conversation goal, we can try and induce it in the visitor.


Ask the visitor to choose his emotional state when displaying the web page. Collect the data with the conversion data and see if a pattern emerges. Use the results to help the visitor be in the right emotional state to enhance conversion.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016

Breakfast of Champions


See what famous, high achievers, celebrities, leaders, etc. are eating when they start their day.


A website where the breakfast of public figures is regularly published, including why they eat what they eat, and recipes and you can do it too.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016

Get Both Your Body and Mind in Shape


For the user: saving time while getting both your body and mind in shape.
For the gurus: new income and channel to get more new people into their funnel.


Exercise timing app with a short motivational audio and video snippet library (more can be downloaded) with the teachings of famous motivational gurus.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016

Picture in Picture Photos


A novel way to present photos.


Every photo in the sequence should have a picture somewhere that when clicked on, will enlarge it and show the next picture.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016

Solve This Puzzle Before You Can See the Page


A new way of letting the reader make a commitment so he will be more inclined to read and pay attention.


A web page (sales letter) that – when first visiting – looks like a jigsaw puzzle. The viewer has to complete the puzzle (it should be very easy) and only then it becomes a regular web page.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016
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