Help you discover new business connections.
Just like a dating app, you join and fill out your profile. When you have some free time and would gladly make a new connection in the real world, you press a button. Everyone who is a match and is near will get an alert with your profile, as will you. When any of you want to meet the other member, you just press a button, and if the interest is mutual, you can arrange for a short meeting immediately.
You have a new piece of content and would like to reach out to influencers. But who to reach out to?
An automated software service that analyzes your content and based on its aggregate knowledge gleaned from past experiences and constant monitoring of the online content world suggests influencers to be contacted (and the reason why.)
Get the full picture of what is marketing
Create a diagram of everything that comes under marketing. Categories, areas, disciplines, techniques, from branding and direct response, through psychology, copywriting, media, ads, and down to upsells, A/B tests, and so on. See everything that is part of marketing and how all the parts relate to each other.
See all the connections you have around.
An app that overlays your LinkedIn connections on the real life camera view of the world. You just point the camera at a spot and see who of your connections is working in that direction (within a certain distance.) Move the camera around and see information about everyone who is around you. See their picture, name, and place of work. Click on them and get their profile and directions for getting there.
Many of the most outrageous, funny and scary monsters you see in films have their (visual) counterpart in real life.
An article showing many famous monsters and their real-life origin that must have influenced the artist who created them.