Archive Monthly Archives: December 2016

Lets Not Forget About…


Partners, couples, and other people close to each other share all kinds of things when they meet: stories, facts, gossip, etc. Many times you forget what you wanted to share by the time you meet.


An app where you can have a shared list that both of you can see and add to. When something pops into your mind that you would like to share, you just add to the list a new item by writing one or two words that would remind you what it was. Both of you can see and use the list before and also during the time you spend together next.

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December 4, 2016

Landing Page as a Serial Story


It will force you to write in a way that makes the reader want to read more, and at the same time get the reader used to clicking to get more which might help with the call to action.


Instead of showing the whole landing page at once, you only show the first section and the rest of the section’s sub-headlines. This means that you need to write the first section (and subsequently each one following) in a way that makes the reader want to click on the next section’s sub-header to read what’s coming next in that section. It’s like a serial story or a TV series – you use a cliffhanger. You might also want to have a simple call to action at the end of the first section explaining what to do next.

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December 4, 2016

Ways to Travel to Another Country


You want to travel to another country so it would be good to know all the ways you can do that.


An online software that given a departure and destination cities, and a date, will show you a table of ways to travel to that city: by train, bus, airplane, boat, etc. You can get information on travel time, cost, and other details so you can decide what’s best for you.

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December 4, 2016

Use Very High Price as Persuation Technique for Your Online Sales Page


Using a higher price will make the price you are asking seem much more reasonable. You need a tool to help you keep that in front of your visitor al the time.


Have a floating box (to the left, right, bottom or top of your page) showing your potential buyer a product that is much much (even ridiculously) higher price that what you are trying to sell. The floating box always stays visible even when the visitor scrolls up or down.

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December 4, 2016

Greatest Sales Systems Compared


There are a few very good and proven sales systems by some excellent sales experts. It would be useful to know what techniques are covered by what system.


A table covering different techniques and systems. Each cell will indicate if the system teaches that particular technique, and what is their special slant on it.

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December 4, 2016