When you look in the mirror, you see yourself flipped and not as others see you.
A mirror that is an electronic display that shows you a correct – unflipped – image.
Get income from users that currently don’t pay but want to.
Most freemium models offer you a free version of their SaaS app. This version is usually limited but many times already very useful to many users. First, is the user who we never pay. Then there is the user that needs more functionality and is willing to pay for that. But there is a third kind of user, the one who does not need any extra functionality but is so satisfied with the free version that he would gladly pay for it, even if just to show his appreciation and support. Offer a low-cost payment option for this – the third type of – user.
A tourist attraction.
Build a bridge-crossing ride on the side of existing bridges with a nice view (hills, rivers, etc.) You get into a transparent pod and ride to the opposite side of the bridge.
Many people don’t like reading non-fiction.
Synopsize popular non-fiction books in video format – a short documentary, summarizing the book and its main points.
As a starting point for discovering new books at the store.
Create a list of books that customers can browse at your retail store to find a book they already read. For each such book list suggestions for a new book they might want to read in the following format: if you liked this book because of X you might enjoy these books…” List potential books for each identifiable quality of the book they already read.