All Posts by My Daily Ideas

Proactive Family Doctor


Switch the paradigm for better health.


Instead of you going to the doctor when you decide that you must go, your doctor decides when to come to you. You will be equipped with multiple sensing devices that either work automatically (heart beat, temperature), or you will need to use daily (blood pressure). The doctor will get a daily report and decide if he needs to come over. As sensing devices develop, the reporting would be more accurate, and the Doctor’s proactive involvement will be more precise.

Icons made by Freepik


October 24, 2016

Clouds Only


See interestingly shaped clouds from all over the world.


A website where anyone can upload photos and videos of interestingly shaped clouds. You can browse and search by forms, resemblance, geography, etc. You can also subscribe to a daily digest.

Icons made by Freepik


October 24, 2016

Butler by the Hour


You need or want a butler for a short period.


A marketplace for temporary (by the hour or day) butlers. On one side, anyone can offer your services as a butler at the times that are of convenience to you, and make some extra money. On the other side, anyone can request a butler for a short period anytime.

Icons made by Freepik


October 24, 2016

You Think Your Business Is Different


Many think that the “conventional” marketing techniques are not for them because “my business is different.”


A website that regularly publishes case studies showing how different marketing techniques are used in various areas and niches.

Icons made by Freepik


October 24, 2016

Outside-in 360 Degrees Time-Lapse Photography


To see how something changes over time and from all sides.


A device you place around the object you want to photograph, and that moves around it at a pace you control. You put your smartphone into the device, set the time lapse parameters (time, pace, movement tempo, etc.) in the app, and the device will move the smartphone around the object taking photographs from all angles, by the parameters you set.

Icons made by Freepik


October 24, 2016