Your device seems to be connected to a wifi network, but something is wrong, and now you need to check everything to see what works: your browser, emails, news app, etc.
Have a small app that checks all your typical Internet use cases and shows you what is working and what not.
You can play it as a game, but it can have real valuable results.
Create a list of ideas similar to what I create daily here. Send them to a group of participating friends. They each pick one they like to “work on” and they try to add to it their ideas and change it for the better. When they finish, they put it back in the pool of ideas so others can again take them and further work on them as well. The game ends when no one is willing or can do further work on any of the ideas in the pool.
When copies are super abundant, they become worthless. Instead, stuff that can’t be copied becomes scarce and valuable. ~ Kevin Kelly
If you are selling information products, you might want to consider only shipping physically printed products. They are harder to copy, have a greater perceived value, and what’s even better is that, at the same time it makes you unique in today’s all-digital world.
Are you at home and can I come over for a quick visit? Maybe you are busy. Let others’ know.
An app or a function in an existing social network like Facebook that lets you publish your status of your openness to surprise communication or a visit from your friends. Similar to instant messaging statuses, just for real life (you can call me, come over, busy, unavailable, etc.)
Get feedback, encouragement and inspire others.
A website and app where you can create a challenge like “read for one hour each day,” or “take a cold shower every morning.” Explain why you are challenging yourself to do this. Your personal reasons, and theory or science behind it, etc. During the challenge, you’ll update it regularly with your thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. Others can find and follow your and others’ challenges and give encouragement.