It would be very beneficial if while reading a book you could not just highlight and make notes about a passage in the book, but also link it to another passage in another book.
Have a new protocol for linking between ebooks. Something that is a standard and works on most platforms like iBooks, Kindle, etc. Make it possible to share these links with others.
More fun and constantly changing.
Somehow transfer the ringtone within the calling sequence so when the other party’s phone rings he will hear the ringtone you chose. Of course, they have the possibility to override this if they want a fix ringtone for everyone calling or even just for you.
Most solutions involve having to listen to irritating music, ads, radio, etc., all repeating endlessly.
First, have a short sound bite acknowledging this is an irritating situation. Then offer them multiple choices of what to listen to. Different music tracks, the news, tour latest special offers, jokes, etc. allow them to interrupt any time what they are listening to switch to another option.
Understanding the motives can help dentists treat patients better, and also communicate and market to them better.
A large scale study. Firstly, how many do regularly go as opposed to those that don’t. If they don’t go regularly when do they finally go and why.
You see it all around and probably felt it yourself, a kind of nostalgic yearning for something that – if you really think of it – you never had or experienced (maybe you were not even born then.)
A study of why and how people develop these feelings. Do we have a bias in us for such a feeling, and what triggers might induce this feeling? What is the mechanism behind it?