To find out when and how it was created and gained momentum, and see from multiple points of view its speed (chronological, geographical, generational, etc.)
Analyze online sources of data to find the first occurrence of a word or phrase and plot the spread and usage.
Convincing a visitor that you are the right choice for them is always hard for the first sale.
Start the sales letter explaining to them that usually what they would be reading now is all the reasons why they should buy. This, however, is different. You want to play a game with them.
You will give them a headline that encompasses all you would say in one long sentence, and put in it all the benefits, features, etc. that are important for you to convey.
You then list for them all the standard points you were going to make a list of short, concise titles. Things like benefits, features, objections, etc. They now have to click on each of these titles one after the other. When they click a title, they will get a pop up with a list relevant to that title (features for a beauty product: not animal tests, shining skin, takes only one minute to apply, etc.) mixing in also such features that are not related. The game is for them to click on the right features only. They do this for all titles.
This way they – and not you – are expressing all the important points you want to make.
You then give them a score, show them the points they missed, and can even give them a reward (maybe a sliding discount dependent on how few they missed – they might even reload the page to get a better score the second time which will only enforce all the point again in their mind), or ask them for their email to send them their scores
Your visitor is very close to buying from you but still didn’t. Maybe he just abandoned his shopping cart without paying, or he read many different articles and sales letters about your product and still didn’t buy.
If you have an arsenal of testimonials, put the visitor on an automated sequence (email, Facebook ads, etc.) and only use one testimonial for each communication in the series. Just bombard them with testimonials one at a time. Build as long a sequence of testimonials as you can, and that still convert – don’t limit yourself to just one or two.
Stop spam from getting to your inbox without false positives.
An email service that automatically sends a reply to emails arriving for the first time from an email address. The auto-reply asks one question: “In what city is the recipient they sent their email to usually reads his email.” The sender has to answer this question only once after their first email. If they don’t, or they give a wrong answer, they are blacklisted, and their emails are never delivered to the recipient.
If successful it will engender a much higher trust.
If you have raving fans and customers that you can trust, ask them if they are willing to receive email communications from your new potential clients. For those who do, put their email address as a caption under their picture in the testimonial, like this: “Want more information from me about XYZ? Feel free to ask me at”.