Instead of showing each visitor the same testimonials, make them load dynamically based on the visitor himself.
The more you know about the visitor, the better you can show him the right testimonial. Even if you don’t know much, you can simply ask him what’s his main objection in a pop-up window listing the major ones. He just has to click on the one mostly on his mind. Based on the information you can dynamically load the testimonials in which your customer is telling their story and answering that exact objection the visitor has.
It’s irritating, especially when you are in a hurry (always.)
Have people signal they are driving a vehicle in a “learning mode,” and let navigation systems like Waze help you plot a route avoiding them.
Wouldn’t you like to know what insights can be gleaned from a mistress, a bank robber, a bounty hunter, and other such people in – slightly controversial – situations?
A website with their stories and insights. All anonymous, all surprising.
You have a friend going through a bad period or experience (health, emotional, financial, etc.) How can you help them?
A website, app or even a book, with helping guides for many situations you might find yourself in with your friends and family.
Too many meeting, taking too much time with little to show for.
An app used by all team members. The team leader designates one member who will lead the meeting and another who will be the supervisor. The leader will set the agenda, the maximum time for each item, and the maximum length of the meeting. Others can comment and suggest changes, but when all is decided the meeting leader will follow the agenda and the supervisor will keep everyone to the time limits. If an item is not finished within its given time, it can be continued – if there is still time – at the end of the meeting. If not a new meeting is set and the process starts again.