Make use of your internal communications to generate content ideas.
Have a bot monitor your internal communications on Slack and similar systems, or even email. When the bot discovers something that seems to be important it will search the internet for information on it, how popular is the subject already, is there other favorite content on the topic and much more. Using all the internal and external information, it will give a detailed suggestion on what content should be created and also all the background researched for it.
So you can do something else but still, catch all the exciting moments.
Build into TV sets the function to monitor the human voice (of the sports commentator). When you turn this mode on the TV’s volume will go down so as not to disturb you, but when the reporter’s voice becomes excited it will automatically turn up the volume so you will not miss the exciting moment.
To stand out from the many other ads out there.
Research showed that some words, when they have their letters mixed up – except the first and last letters – are still readable by us. Use this technique in ads to grab attention.
Even though you always get a sheet with instructions, a video would be even better.
Have a website where either the manufacturers or anyone else (maybe a local guy vying for this kind of work) shows you in videos how to build the different types of furniture from major retailers.
You’ll be able to see in a fun way that there is nothing new in today’s headlines.
Collect headlines from the past 100 or so years, maybe a page for each year. Select headlines where you can see the similarities.