All Posts by My Daily Ideas

The Editor’s Picks Magazine


It’s all about credentials. But not the credentials someone else gives, but the credentials the editor gave. Most magazines write about someone or let them write for them because of outside credentials.


Publish a magazine where the only credential that counts is what the editor thinks. Only articles of personal judgment are published. The people profiled are chosen because the publisher and editor regard them highly, even if they are unknown to most of the world. It’s an entirely personal (but explained) point of view in each and every article published.

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September 20, 2016

A Simple Solution to Having No Spam Sent to Your Private Email Address


Email is an open system. Anyone can send an email to someone else if they know their address.


An email system following these rules:
1. Only messages from an email address on your whitelist get to you.
2. Any other email is bounced back automatically.
3. You can put email addresses of others on your white list by hand.
4. You can also do so by sending them an email from your address.
5. You can give the other person a one-time token to send you (in the subject for instance) that would automatically put them on your white list permanently, or only allow this one email to pass through to you, and then you can decide to give them permanent or temporary (up to X number of emails, X amount of time, combination of these, etc.)

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September 20, 2016

Minimize Water Waste When Flushing Your Toilet


Currently, the same amount of water is used each time you flush.


Have a smart toilet that can sense and measure the amount of body waste you deposit in it, and adjust the flushing accordingly.

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September 20, 2016

Scavenger Hunt Inside One Website


As a fun game, teaching and marketing device.


Start with the first page. Explain how the game works and give the first lesson. At the end of the lesson give a clue as to what to search for on the site, based on what you have just taught.
They might need to use the sites search (if the found out what to search for), or complete an address (URL) to find the next step. Give small bonuses or prizes on each phase to encourage them.
Anyone (or just the first one) who completes the whole hunt gets a big prize.
The clue to the next step is always based on the last page, and the lessons learned so far.

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September 20, 2016