A cheap way to get a simple logo.
An online software. You input the what your brand and logo are about, what characters, words, colors, and symbols to use, and the software, based on many simple patterns and the input you provided, will create a few logo veriations for you.
It’s an important subject: should we be left alone to decide based on our knowledge or is it ok or even desired that we are manipulated?
An essay deliberating this seemingly opposing views of being rational and being manipulated (irrational.)
There are many situations and many ways to price. Which pricing is good for what situation?
A book that covers everything from why and when is a yes or no choice to a price is the best, to the sophisticated techniques of multiple pricing options for different segments of the market (up to the individual as a segment.) The book should cover amongst other subjects at least these: the psychology that make these work, the strategic decisions of pricing as a part of branding, the tactical solutions to different situations, publishing prices – when and how, when not to publish prices, take away marketing for higher prices, when is it good to compete on price (and when not to), price elasticity, price, and competition, how to use pricing as a motte, how to have the customer tell you the actual price they’re willing to pay.
When you type “define moratorium” in google most of the time you get a pretty good explanation back. These are mostly hard to understand for kids.
It would be good to have a kids version of these. Maybe in the format of “define moratorium for kids”. Google can do it, but it could also be probably done by a dedicated site that is optimized for this template of a keyword query.
So that the new crown is an exact copy of the old tooth.
Before doing anything, when the tooth is still intact, scan it or take a mold and scan that. Based on the scan print a new tooth from the right materials to use as a crown by the dentist.