You’re busy but would like your kids to have quality cooked food when they come home from school.
A service that delivers cooked food specifically cooked with kids in mind: things they love and are also healthy and high quality. You can choose 2–3 dishes that would last the whole week, from a large variety, and get it delivered to your door. You only have to heat it.
Find everything there is to know about a particular produce. Science, history, recipes, etc.
A series of websites, each dedicated to only one produce, and giving all the information available on it: recipes, seasons, types, science, history, etc.
Everyone has their biorhythm, and if you can, you might want to follow yours. But is there a correlation between waking up early and wealth creation regardless of a person’s natural biorhythm?
A study to find out based on past and current data if there is any correlation. Do people who wake up early regardless of their natural biorhythm are more likely to create wealth. Is it following your natural biorhythm the correlation? Or maybe it is the natural biorhythm but only for those who wake up early?
You blend coffee, whiskey, tobacco and even genes to make the perfect result. Why not people in an event? What is the formula?
A series of articles about blending the right people for the right type of event. Each article should deal with a different kind of event and try and find the formula using experiments and experience of others who do and deal with that particular type of event.
There are many good minds worldwide.
An online “meeting place” where great minds (those who get invited) can meet to try and create new ideas and solve problems clients post.