Compete in who is making the most (and fastest) money without the authorities knowing who you are.
A private online club where participants – without disclosing their identity to others in the club – post regular updates on their financial state, how much they are worth, how much they make, and how they did it. The website is hosted offshore in a safe place. There can be a public facing website that shows the leaderboards.
Even today when the internet seems to shorten the time it takes a fad to spread worldwide, there still exists a delay.
Overlay a world map with the timeline of fads’ spread. Show how and when it arrived and became a trend in each country.
To record your decisions and learn from them.
Keep a journal of every decision(that might have a long lasting effect) you make. Write down the alternatives, which one you chose and why. Much later (months or years) go back and see which decisions were good ones, and which had no real significance in the long run.
Keep a constant level of light in your room even as natural light changes.
Similar to auto brightness on a smartphone or tablet, have sensor based input adjust the level of room lighting based on the sensed level of light.
You might have many items, and it’s tedious to make a list.
An app that lets you take a picture of an item recognizes it and gives you all the details including price range. You can edit the details and add it to the inventory list.