Bridge the Gap Between Learning From the $30 Book to the $5000 Done for You Service

You can learn how to do something by reading a good book about it or watching videos explaining the subject. This is cheap but relies on you spending the time to learn the subject. You can also have a video course teaching you. This is usually a little more expensive. Both of these options tely on you consuming the materials, understanding them and acting on the new knowledge – something most people never really do. The best option is to have someone personally do for you the thing you need accomplishing. That is usually very expensive. Can there be a cheap way to learn better and have a better chance of actually accomplishing your goal?
The solution might be cheap one on one teachers that you can have one-on-one lessons with online. These are people who deeply understand the material and are willing to teach it for a reasonable fee. This live teaching will result in much better understanding because it’s personal and interactive, but without the high cost you would need to pay the authority on the subject for something similar.