Category Archives for Business

Start With the Needs and Wants Then Create the Ideas


Most projects start when someone has an idea he thinks will solve a problem. Then if he’s smart, he’ll try and test this assumption. What if we reverse the model?


An online service where we invite people to come and tell us what they want or need and can’t find (or can’t find anything good or close enough.) When you get many these that are centered around what seems like a unifying problem, do a deeper dive with those people, asking them for more and more insight into what they really need/want, what is their true problem and motivation (emotional as well as functional.) Based on these a more coherent idea can be formulated and then tested more widely. This might help uncover much more such problems and ideas than just starting with a thought.

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January 12, 2017

A Smart Way to Helpnyou Succeed With Your Startup


Doing a startup is emotionally and psychologically hard.


A service that offers continuous psychological help to startup founders and employees. You pick a permanent psychologist that seems to fit you and your team and get both fixed time with him, and ad-hoc help when you need it.

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January 12, 2017

How to Bottle Authenticity


Help you find the what is authentic and useful in you for your new business.


A service that offers a one-hour live session with a consultant. During the session he will help you discover what is it in you, that is both authentic and can be used in your new venture to largely influence your chances for success.

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January 10, 2017

Help Companies Publish Their Own Books


Most knowledge available in books and other sources usually is not relevant “as is” to a company.


A service that helps companies compile and create their own books that reflect what they need to include in these books, basically tailoring them to the company’s needs. These can be then used by the company’s employees to get the precise knowledge they need.

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January 9, 2017