Category Archives for Business

Camping for Kids in Big Cities


Organized to help kids get the experience of camping without long travel and the dangers of the wilderness.


Use or develop parks in big cities (or the suburbs) specifically for this function. They should look and feel like camping in the wild, but without the dangers.

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September 9, 2016

On Demand Human Created Articles for Personal Consumption


It would be nice to ask someone to prepare a short article on a subject you would like to read, wouldn’t it?! Let’s say you’re about to travel to a small town in Italy and would like to know a few interesting facts, what to see, some local stories etc. it would be nice if someone would prepare that exact article based on your specific request. Especially if it’s for a very small fee.


Have a team of offshore workers doing it. The more they do the bigger the “database” of online materials they “cut and paste” from grows and the easier it becomes to fulfill such orders (AI can help too.) The main point is not to be original, but to find the right content quickly and create the final document as requested by the customer.

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September 9, 2016

The Best Investors Club at Your Disposal


I would like to have all the great investor in “my club”. I would listen to what they say about the markets and decide who to follow on what trade.


Invite some of the great investors out there to form a private club. Members would pay to get into the club and have access to continuous information from these investors. The investors would give regular analysis and precise recommendations with explanations of when to trade, at what prices, when to sell and why they think this will work. Investors get paid based on the performance of their recommendations and how many took their advice.

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September 8, 2016

Weekend Cabin Concierge Service


If you have a weekend house you know it’s a drag. Every time you go for a weekend you have to spend a few hours prepping the place, buying groceries, putting things away etc. then you have to “clean up” when you leave a couple of days later.


A concierge service specifically for weekend cabins. The service will manage all maintenance, and will keep a marketplace where property owners and individuals wanting to provide the prepping and clean up services (as well as other services when you’re there – cooking, gardening etc.), can find one another. The concierge service will manage it all, you just have to find the right service provider in their marketplace.

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September 7, 2016

Stock Posts – “a La Cart” Blog Posts for Publishers


You want to have a publication for you business, a niche you want to enter, a subject that is close to you etc. you don’t have the time, knowledge, writing and design skills to produce constant quality content.


Stock posts. A place that is modeled after the stock photo marketplaces. You can rent a post you find an like for a small fee, buy it out exclusively for a higher fee, or request one be created just for you.

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September 7, 2016
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