An easy way to get rid of small insects.
A vacuum cleaner with a long telescopic suction pipe and a very fine and tight mesh of wires to kill the bugs as they get sucked into the disposable bag inside.
For people who love writing journals.
A shop that offers only quality (but not only expensive) notebooks, pens and books and essays about writing.
Use local low-light to bring the best out of the picture hanging on your wall.
Build local programmable low (LED) lights into the picture frame, optimized to bring the best visual effect out of the picture.
You take notes and highlight phrases and sentences while reading electronically (the web, ebook), and although it’s very convenient to search, there is an advantage to having these on real cards (for instance on index cards) so you can “play” with them.
A service that takes all of your online notes and highlights, prints them on physical cards of your choosing and delivers them to you.
Make it a safer bet to start new businesses.
An insurance company specializing in insuring initial small investments in startups.