Category Archives for Content

Where Are They Today


Find out what your favorite public figure from the past is doing today.


A website where you can browse and search stories about famous people from the past are doing today.

Icons made by Freepik


January 21, 2017

Taking a Break From a Good Habit


It seems – from experience – that from time to time it can be good to take a break even from a good habit.


A research article, tackling the issue of taking a break from good habits. Find out why and what are the benefits and is there any concrete evidence that it is useful.

Icons made by Freepik


January 19, 2017

Better Fail Now Than Maybe Succeed Later


Ther are many kinds and reasons for procrastinating. One of the worst is “perfectionism.”


A book about the principle of not waiting for something to be perfect, but doing it ASAP even it might fail is a better decision. Theory, research, case studies, practical advice, and everything about the how and why of this principle.

Icons made by Freepik


January 19, 2017

Royalty-Free Photos for School Work


Kids today already do a lot of their work electronically online.


A royalty-free photo collection kids can search for photos they can use in their school work.

Icons made by Freepik


January 18, 2017
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