There is a lot of success advice that is practical and useful, but almost always the person who gives it mixes it up with some mysticism. There is no need for that. Instead, it is beneficial to show others that these tools and techniques work not because but in spite of the mystic elements woven into them and shown them the true – reality based – reasons why they work.
A book and/or website covering many tools and techniques for success, showing who are the gurus who teach them, how they mix it up with some mystic components (beliefs, rituals, reasons why, etc.), and what is the real life reasons (if they are known) why these techniques work.
It’s getting harder to find .com domain names.
A booklet with the best methods, tools and tactics to finding the best domain names.
You want bloggers to write about your story.
A website that lists the official policy and insights of blogs and blogging based publications, and news sites. These are gained from reading between the lines of their own posts about how to pitch them.
Get the full picture of what is marketing
Create a diagram of everything that comes under marketing. Categories, areas, disciplines, techniques, from branding and direct response, through psychology, copywriting, media, ads, and down to upsells, A/B tests, and so on. See everything that is part of marketing and how all the parts relate to each other.
Many of the most outrageous, funny and scary monsters you see in films have their (visual) counterpart in real life.
An article showing many famous monsters and their real-life origin that must have influenced the artist who created them.