Category Archives for Content

Fountain Pen Writing Thickness


You are looking for a fountain pen that writes with a certain thinness or thickness.


A website publishing reviews on fountain pens based on their writing thickness.

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November 14, 2016

Interactive Movie


Each viewer can have their storyline based on their decisions.


Create multiple forking points in the movie. When the viewer reaches such a point, the movie player will give him a choice of which direction to continue.

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November 13, 2016

The Books of Books


Get a definitive guide to books on different subjects.


A book series. In each area publish a book of books. Each book has all the timeless classics on that subject listed. Each one with a short synopsis, a longer analysis on the main points of that book, and the reasons why it is such a timeless book.

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November 13, 2016

Thought Leaders List


Find the (constantly changing) thought leaders in a field you’re interested in.


Publish and continuously update a list of thought leaders in different fields, with some information as to why they are considered the thought leaders in their fields.

First step: measure interest

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November 12, 2016
1 12 13 14 15 16 47