You know you will not execute your idea, but maybe someone else will.
A website where anyone can publish their business idea, and anyone can use them to try and build these businesses. A licensing mechanism should also be provided, from free with no strings attached, to all types of paid licenses.
See others’ mistake and learn.
A website that regularly publishes articles only about mistakes in different areas and subjects. Kitchen design, CVs, buying a house, going on vacation to Greece, etc.
People don’t realize how weak their passwords are.
Publish passwords that were hacked (and are freely available- no hacking done here) on a dedicated website, so that people can see and learn.
See what famous, high achievers, celebrities, leaders, etc. are eating when they start their day.
A website where the breakfast of public figures is regularly published, including why they eat what they eat, and recipes and you can do it too.
The “one-page” website, where you move (scroll) from “page” to “page” on the same page by clicking, is very popular nowadays. These are all done by scrolling vertically, and sometimes it takes long and looks disorienting.
Have this mechanism working both vertically and horizontally. This way you can minimize long scrolling.