Category Archives for Content

Sunscribe to Someone’s Marginalia Feed


Reading a book and seeing someone’s marginalia gives a whole new experience to reading the book.


Have a service that extracts your highlights and notes you make while reading ebooks. You can also input marginalia of real books you read. You then publish the feed to your marginalia and others can subscribe to it and see it on their ebook reader as they read the book. They can subscribe to marginalia from multiple people and see all of them while reading the book.

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October 11, 2016

This X Is Like Having Y and Z With a Dash of A


In many areas (wine, cigars, special food, etc.) it is tough to convey what something is really like.


Have a place where people can tell their experience with something new by liking it to a mix of 2 or more other – similar but better known – instances of the same subject. This way when you read about the new product you can have a better idea what it is like even before you buy it and experience it yourself.

Icons made by Freepik


October 8, 2016

Inspire by Sharing Your Learning Experience


When you start learning something new, it takes some time to “get the knack” of how to do it. It is frustrating and can stop many from continuing.


Have a place where people can share their learning experience. They can film a series of short movies showing themselves while learning, trying, failing and slowly succeeding (and also giving tips along the way on what worked for them), then upload them so others can see the development from phase to phase. It will demonstrate that things can take time, and it’s worth persevering and inspire others to do the same.

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October 8, 2016
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