Category Archives for Content

Afraid You’ll Pick the Wrong Doctor?


When you look up a professional (a doctor or lawyer) on the web using search it takes a long time to find the references that can be trusted. You might get no references at all or many references and it would take you a long time going through them all to find the relevant quality ones.


Human curated information pages with all the best links about a particular professional you are researching.

Icons made by Freepik
September 1, 2016

An Online Information Center for Self Improvement Without Humbug


Too many information sources, too much information, many of it contradictory. It’s hard to tell what is fact and science based, what research is well done, and how to judge the results.


Write in simple terms a factual but interesting articles explaining what is out there, does it have a sound base, are the conclusions trustworthy, what weight do they carry etc.

Icons made by Freepik


September 1, 2016

A Blog for Women Travelers


Tailor made content specifically for the (lone) woman traveler.


A blog for women and (mostly) by experienced woman travelers.

Icon made by Freepik

September 1, 2016

Ask for Help In The Kitchen


Instead of using google and going through many iterations until you find out how to ask the right question in order to get the results you need.


A central site for the kitchen context. Just type in your question in plain English, and get the right answers (from the site’s own content or other content out there.) It should be easier than a general search because we know the context of the question.

Icons made by Freepik


August 31, 2016

Photography and Geography


Show very similar photographs taken in very different cultures across the world.


Let people search for existing photos already on the site and allow them to upload their similar photos if they were taken in a different country or culture.

Icons made by Freepik


August 31, 2016