Find out what are the local laws governing sex.
Map with an overlay showing by color how liberal is the country. Zoom in to see the details of what is allowed and what not.
I would like to have his observational skills and deductive prowess. Wouldn’t you?
Have a website dedicated to his methods collate the best methods from the most successful research, articles, and books. Have interviews with the writers and researchers. Build a community contributing to the learning and practicing of these skills.
Wouldn’t you like to read about real life stories that are basically a fairytale, but that really happened?
A website dedicated to people bringing you real life stories that are the very similar to the most famous legends and tales.
Many subjects have vast amounts of books written about them. If you really want to get the picture you’ll need to read a lot of them.
Read all the relevant books, and summarize them in a single book. This book will give the readers all the main important information they need at a fraction of the expense of time and money.
Sometimes when you watch a TV series you like, on the second or third season you have a certain nostalgia for the feeling you had when the series just started. Those few episodes, or maybe the whole first season was somehow different.
If the series is successful in its later seasons, you can create new episodes in the same style, atmosphere and corresponding to the plot lines that existed in the first season. You can insert them between other already well-known episodes to expand on them.