Category Archives for Content

What Does It Means When They Say…


You read and get told many things before you buy a product or a service. There are some gray areas (for instance in insurance and guarantee details) that are misleading. What you read or hear is technically correct, but the impression it leaves you with is not exactly what you are getting. It is your responsibility to read the small (but long) print, but who has the time?!


A website, listing all the situations that are known to be frequently misleading, explaining what to watch out for, and giving you the right questions to ask before buying, to make sure you get things cleared without needing to read every single letter of the documents.

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December 30, 2016

The Morbid News


Find out who died amongst the famous.


A website dedicated to news about deaths of the famous.

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December 29, 2016

The Basic Models of Wealth Creation


See that only a few exist and compare them to each other to find the best for you.


A website that explains the basic wealth creation models and shows examples of each, what to watch out for in each, advantages and disadvantages of each, comparison table(s), good books about each, etc.

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December 27, 2016

How They Make Their Money Gossip


Did you ever wonder “how come he has so much money while seemingly doing nothing out of the ordinary?”


A gossip website where you can anonymously discuss other people’s seemingly sourceless wealth.

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December 27, 2016

Best Scents of the World


You might have your favorite fragrance for the bathroom (soaps, candles, etc.), for your bedroom (candles, scent pouches, etc.), home office, etc. Find what are the best products with your favorite scent.


A website, reviewing and listing the best products for the scent and place you will use them in.

Icons made by Freepik


December 26, 2016
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