Category Archives for Food & Drink

Same Recipe Using Different Cooking Times


The results are different but so is the time investment.


A website listing recipes and for each one the different cooking times you can use and the differences in results you get with each cooking time.

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January 8, 2017

How to Cook Alien Food


For the sci-fi lovers.


A website (and book) dedicated to recipes and techniques for cooking the food from popular science fiction books, movies, and TV shows.

Icons made by Freepik


January 8, 2017

Food Myths Explained


Get to know the truth.


A website (and TV series) dedicated to examining food myths like putting salt on sweet dishes, drinking during a meal, etc. examining the truths and falsehoods behind these food myths.

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January 8, 2017

See What’s Cooking


It’s sometimes hard to see what’s the state of the dish in the oven, but you don’t want to open it to get a better look.


An oven with a wireless (wifi) cam showing what’s going on inside, that you can check from your smartphone.

Icons made by Freepik


January 6, 2017

Freshly Roasted Nuts and Seeds


Always have your favorite nuts and seed freshly roasted.


A roaster that contains your favorite nuts or seeds, and at the push of a button roasts one portion quickly.

Icons made by Freepik


December 29, 2016
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