Category Archives for Ideas

Use an Experimental Auction Model to Sell Products Online


It might result in much higher income.


Offer your product with an exceptionally big and attractive bonus in an open auction (everyone sees all the bids.) The starting price is $1, and each increment is also $1. The auction ends when there is only one bidder left. That person gets the product with the special bonus. Everyone else gets it for the amount of their last bid but without the bonus.

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October 7, 2016

An Experiment in Marketing Conversion by Getting the Buyer Go Back in the Future


As a marketer trying to sell something, making people think ahead and then back gives them a new perspective that can help you both.


While visiting you website, at some point after they had time and already consumed at least the main points you want to convey about what you are selling, they are already dealing with a decision – to do what you ask them or not, to buy or not – you can ask the following question: “many years from now, when you look back, what would you regret more, saying yes now or saying no?” Measure the conversion rate when using this question and compare to the conversion rate when not using it.

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October 6, 2016

Your Style Journal


What if you could see how your style (and fashion) changed throughout your life?


Make an album on your smartphone (or have a dedicated app) and take a daily photo of yourself in clothes you wear that day.

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October 6, 2016

An Easy Way to Write a Journal


Many would like to have a journal of important things that occur to them during their day, every day. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, etc. Many don’t because it can be hard. You need the discipline to make it a habit, and it’s hard to remember later what seemed a good entry at the moment it occurred.


An app you can – at a push of a button – record your short entry right after it occurred. Just say it to your smartphone’s mic and it will be forwarded to someone who will transcribe and edit it. Next day you will see all the entries of the previous day in chronological order correctly edited. You can share the online journal if you wish, with particular people or the world, and even get a printed copy for a given period as a book.

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October 6, 2016

Get One Simple and Easy Tip a Day for Better, Happier and Healthier Living


There are many things you can do that are good for you, but you still don’t do them, because they are complicated, take long, are hard to do, etc., or you don’t know about them.


Get a daily tip; that is easy and straightforward to do. You don’t have to do them all, or even many of them. Because you get one every day, you can pick and choose one to try (each one is simple and easy) from time to time, and after a while, some will become a habit.

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October 6, 2016