Category Archives for Ideas

Get Daily Help Motivating Yourself


Staying motivated is hard.


Get a daily motivational message. It can be a great quote, a short motivational story that takes only a couple of minutes to read, or a tried and tested technique. Collect the ones that helped you and use them from time to time.

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October 2, 2016

Wine and Food Pairing Bot


You need to know your options now before guests arrive for dinner.


A text messaging based bot that can understand the context of wine and food pairing. You just write what you are going to have for dinner and optionally what wines you have at home, and you will get the wine recommendation for each course or the whole meal if you want to limit it to one wine. Optionally, if you have no wines at home, you can also get a list of shops around you that stock the recommended wines.

Icons made by Freepik


October 2, 2016

Check if Your Child Might Be Suffering From Depression


As many as one in ten teenagers might be suffering from clinical depression. It would be helpful if a simple tool were available for parents to do a preliminary test.


An online questionnaire that parents can fill to the best of their knowledge and that would give a simple general assessment and recommendations for more help when needed.

Icons made by Freepik


October 2, 2016

What Would You Do in That Situation and Why?


Daily we read about strange, scary, surprising, painful, happy, situations, etc. people get into and what they did (or didn’t do.) What would you do in that situation?


A website where every day at least one such true story is published and visitors are invited to tell what they would have done if it would have happened to them, and why.

Icons made by Freepik


October 2, 2016