Category Archives for Ideas

News Based Fictional Daily Short Stories


The news is an excellent source for ideas. As people already know about the news item, it might be easier to “sell” them on reading the short story.


“The Fictional Times,” a website where you can read great short stories about today’s news.

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September 14, 2016

Idea Building Collaboration Platform


You have an idea. Why not quickly put it out there and have others help you shape and develop it? It’s fun, stimulating and rewarding. You could even find collaborators to help execute on it, or maybe sell it when fully developed.


An idea publication website. Make it easy to publish your idea. Others will see it, rate it, and some will join in and help you shape and develop it. There could be a marketplace for buying these ideas, and a whole system for helping to execute them (finding funding, collaborators, etc.)

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September 13, 2016

Metal Chrome Ring to Hold Your Ponytail


Convenient and pretty.


Have a small (in diameter) spiral with one and a half “turns” (like a very small and short spring.) Use some pressure to open it up and wrap it around your hair where you would a rubber band.

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September 13, 2016

Get Yourself Analyzed – Are You a Good Writer?


If you want to write and you’re not sure if it’s in you to do it, get a help.


Submit one of your writings, and a some of our experienced writers will tell you. This is mainly not about grammar, but more about do you have something to say, an original spark, a way with thought and ideas.

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September 13, 2016

Help Yout Kids Not Forget Their Keys at Home


They regularly forget the keys at home and call you to know when are you coming home when they are stuck outside the front door.


A device connected to their keychain that makes their mobile phone beep when they go outside the house without the keys.

Icons made by Freepik


September 13, 2016