Category Archives for Ideas

“You’ve Got It Wrong” List


Unfortunately, publications today mostly don’t have to pay the price for publishing something wrong or false. The reasons are many but probably foremost is a lack of journalistic integrity and not checking up on information. It would be good to know what was wrong and who published it, so we can have some accountability.


Build a publication with volunteers who check up on published news items and articles that seem to be sloppy on the facts side. Publish the findings of those who failed the check up.

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September 8, 2016

One Article Per Day by One Qualified Author


Find the best articles by the best authors on specific subjects without wasting time or overwhelming yourself with a lot of noisy sources.


Invite the best authors to write very long form articles on their subject of expertise. Only one article per subject per day, but one that is on a whole different and much higher level than 99% of anything else on the subject. Subjects can vary from current news to professional areas such as virtual reality, marketing or writing non-fiction articles.

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September 7, 2016

Weekend Cabin Concierge Service


If you have a weekend house you know it’s a drag. Every time you go for a weekend you have to spend a few hours prepping the place, buying groceries, putting things away etc. then you have to “clean up” when you leave a couple of days later.


A concierge service specifically for weekend cabins. The service will manage all maintenance, and will keep a marketplace where property owners and individuals wanting to provide the prepping and clean up services (as well as other services when you’re there – cooking, gardening etc.), can find one another. The concierge service will manage it all, you just have to find the right service provider in their marketplace.

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September 7, 2016

Stock Posts – “a La Cart” Blog Posts for Publishers


You want to have a publication for you business, a niche you want to enter, a subject that is close to you etc. you don’t have the time, knowledge, writing and design skills to produce constant quality content.


Stock posts. A place that is modeled after the stock photo marketplaces. You can rent a post you find an like for a small fee, buy it out exclusively for a higher fee, or request one be created just for you.

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September 7, 2016

Push Smartphone Screens to External Device


Many time I’m listening to a video and my mind wanders as a result of what I hear. I would like to check something that came into my mind, then until the browser downloads the content and renders it, I would also like to jot a short note. I can’t do it today not only because multitasking on smartphones is not very good (or doesn’t exist), but the screen is too small to see it all.


Push the display to an external large screen device like a TV or monitor, a laptop etc. because of the large screen it could be split up and showing multiple apps’ output.

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September 7, 2016