Category Archives for Ideas

Organize Borrowing of Books for Family and Friends


Many already do it. You borrow a book recommended by a family member or friend. It might be useful to have a central and organized place for this.


Use existing platforms (like Facebook Groups) to create a closed private group. Invite your close friends and family members to join, and start recommending and lending books you read to each other. A special platform can also be built, with all the functionality to complement this activity (showing book details automatically, cheap shipping options etc.)

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September 5, 2016

I’ll Tell You When You’re Complaining So You Can Stop


Complaining is not good for you. It would be nice if you had someone to remind you to stop when you’re complaining.


Have a smartphone app that monitors your speech patterns (intonation, pitch, words used etc.) When it detects you’re complaining it’ll alert you to stop.

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September 4, 2016

Find the 30 Seconds to 5 Minutes Physical Activity a Day That Can Change Your Life


You know you should do some physical activity daily. It’s good for your physical as well as mental and spiritual health. The problem? It’s boring! And as if that is not enough it takes too long, so now it’s boring for a long time.


An app that is a marketplace of sorts. People can upload an exercise plan with the only condition being: it should start with very very little time (30 seconds is good), and grow to a maximum of 5 minutes a day after a while (one to four weeks.) This way even if it’s boring it’s still easy to do – who can’t do something simple for a couple minutes a day?! The other side of the marketplace is people who can now choose from a large variety of very short daily activities that can change their life: the way they feel, their posture, and health.

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September 4, 2016

What Should I Read Next?


You just finished a book you liked. You would like to read more on this subject or in this style. How can you find a good book to read next?


Have people who were in the same situation – they just finished the same book – tell you what they have found to be a good next book to read. It’s a place for reviews, but not about the book you just read – we all know it was good or else we wouldn’t be here. It’s a review of the next book to read and why. So when you find your book on the site, you’ll have suggestions as to what to read next.

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September 4, 2016

This Is the Kind of Music I Would Like to Listen to Next


You just finished listening to a piece of music you liked. Now you would like to listen to something new but similar.


It would be good if I could just type a sentence describing the kind of music I would like to hear next. The app knows the last piece of music I listen to and can analyze my sentence and suggest to me the next piece of music I might enjoy.

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September 4, 2016