Category Archives for Ideas

Detect and Remember When Something Important Happened


When something is happening to us, either good and exhilarating or bad and tragic, we don’t usually take notice of the exact time it happened for understandable reasons. We might want to know that in the future: when exactly did he ask my hand in marriage, when did I saw the man hit the tree etc.


Many nowadays have smartphones on them most of the time. Smartphones can record many useful things: sudden movements, sounds, vibrations, and maybe even heartbeats. These can help pinpointing the exact time something surprising happened.

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September 3, 2016

What Is Your Favorite Character From a Book and Why


Share and read others’ opinions.


Find the character on the website or suggest him for inclusion. Write your reasons for him being your favorite character. Further, reply to others who also shared their opinions good or bad.

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September 3, 2016

Real Life Snakes and Ladders Game


Have fun with friends.


Build a huge life size game, with slides and ladders on, around and inside a mound. Instead of just luck, add an element of time to complete tasks (climbing up or sliding down.)

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016

Easy Net Promoter Score for Any Site


NPS is important to measure but not easy to implement.


Add one line of code to you website (or a plugin for a CMS like WordPress) and get all the functionality. You can set multiple types of triggers (exit intent, timed, click a certain link etc.) to activate the button. Visitors can also just click the button. Set up is easy and you just have to click a few options to make it work on a domain and/or URL level.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016

A Platform for Creating and Awarding Prizes


To enable people with a similar interest and point of view, to create and award a prize.


Allow people to initiate a prize, discuss and lay down the rules, select the committee, and allow prize contributions to be gathered. Then they can open the award for nominations with a deadline. After the nomination deadline, they can open a voting period where anyone can vote. When nominations and votings have finished the award and prize is granted based on the committee’s decision, votes etc.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016