Category Archives for Ideas

Wind-Safe Umbrella


Umbrellas get turned over by the wind sooner or later, sometimes to the point of destruction.


Have 3–4 strings that become tight when you open the umbrella. They will protect it from turning inside out in the wind, and you’ll still have room to slide in under it between the strings.

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August 31, 2016

Want to Find Your Target Market Quickly Right Now?


You are thinking about starting a new business, or you want to try an ad campaign to a new segment or market. There are multiple ad platforms with multiple paradigms of how to define you ads’ target market. How can you find out if the target market is large enough, and if you can reach it easily and on what platform (Facebook, Google, Instagram etc.)?


An agency specializing in immediate online one on one target market analysis. An expert will help you – in real time – find answers to all these questions.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016

Dynamic Credentials Generator


Want a credential as “Certified Butter Coffee Expert” by “Cafetura Instituta de Burra”? Maybe a paper that shows you are a world leading expert in growing pet animals for office use?


Have an online generator. Input a short description of what you need, and get a certificate generated. Choose from multiple styles of design (modern, old european etc.), types of text (comic, satirical, dead pan, serious etc.). Download it or get it sent to your address nicely printed.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016

Task Alert With Goal Reminder


When you get an alert for a task you need to do, its very easy to dismiss it because you “don’t feel like it” at that point in time (you have more urgent things to do, like arranging the icons on your iPhone.) It’s easy because the context of the task is lost. You forget the “big why” – why do you need to do this!


If you write the reminder in a way that would give you the context of why you want to do this, it might help you execute on it and not reschedule. Don’t write as a “floating” task: “write a new blog post about time management for kids”, instead try: “write a new post about kids time management because I need to win over the parents target market”.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016

How to Have Your Own Book Club


Allow you to share with others books you have read and found to be good.


A site, app and email list you can use to build their own book club. You can write your book recommendations and people can follow you. It’s the reverse of the model that puts the book in the center and gather reviews around it. Here you the reviewer are the center.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016