Category Archives for Ideas

Have an Idea? Tell Those Who You Think Will Be Interested About It!


Your ideas are no good if no one acts on them. If you already came up with an idea, put it out there and let them know about it.


Think and research: who might be profiting from this? Who might be interested in this for any other reason? Let them know about it!

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August 27, 2016

Feeling Lonely? There’s Someone to Help!


From time to time, you’ll feel lonely. You’ll feel you’re all alone and you have no one or no one understands you.


Have a place where people can volunteer to “be on call”. When someone reaches out because they’re lonely, they’ll write a little about themselves, and those who volunteered and are available (you can “check in” that you’re available) get an alert and can see if they want to help, and make contact if they do. All done anonymously.

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August 27, 2016

Your Public Carrot and Stick


Making you prize and punishment (and the “what for”) public (even if you stay anonymous) might help you abide by it. Because it’s public, people can and will react and encourage you.


A site where you publish you goal, your carrot, and your stick. As time goes by you update your post with your progress, when you deserve your carrot, when your stick, and whether you actually received them. People can comment, encouraging you or criticizing you when appropriate, to help you achieve your goal.

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August 27, 2016

The Status Game: Where Do You Stand?


To find out and validate what your status really is.


Choose from a status scale (poor to rich, illiterate to polyhistor, pleb to king etc.), where you place yourself on it, and invite your friends to anonymously affirm your place in the hierarchy or place you somewhere else on the scale.

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August 27, 2016

Summary Books on Specific Subjects


Many subjects have vast amounts of books written about them. If you really want to get the picture you’ll need to read a lot of them.


Read all the relevant books, and summarize them in a single book. This book will give the readers all the main important information they need at a fraction of the expense of time and money.

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August 27, 2016