It’s fin to see who are also sailing in your area.
An app that shows a map of your area with others (who are also using the app) showing their place on it. When you first launch the app, you will need to create a profile for yourself, and choose the size of area you are willing to share your location in (for safety reasons you might want not to share your sailing location with the whole world.)
Infographics are fun and exciting, but they can also be a valuable teaching tool.
A website dedicated solely to infographics that teach you something. Allow anyone to publish these, and readers to subscribe to a daily dose of new ones in one or more areas of interest.
To allow people to collaborate on a movie-book – a book enhanced with audio-visuals (still and moving images, soundtrack.)
An online software that allows three people to collaborate on a movie-book:
1. The author who writes the text.
2. The director/art director who creates and curates the short clips and images for the movie-book based on the text.
3. The music director/composer/player who creates and curates the soundtrack for the movie-book.
So you can show others how you would have written it.
An online software/website where you give simple editing tools and a popular original article to anyone who would like to show their version of it – a version that can come to an entirely different conclusion, use a different train of thought, etc. The author of the new version can use any or all text from the original article, rearrange it, do whatever you like to it.
Many times and in many different fields there are varying opinions as to how to do things. Let the crowds decide.
Allow users to suggest subjects they want to find out best practices about, like how much time to cook roast beef, what’s the best way to remove coffee stains, etc. Then allow others to write what they think are the best practices. Finally, let people vote what they think is the best practice.