Category Archives for Platforms

Tell the World What You Really Think About…


Have a place where you can – anonymously and without and registration – tell the world what you really think about a subject.


A website where mutual interest subject are listed and anyone can express their opinion, tell the world what they really think. No registration, and totally anonymous so that you can write your real opinion (within the law.)

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October 30, 2016

Butler by the Hour


You need or want a butler for a short period.


A marketplace for temporary (by the hour or day) butlers. On one side, anyone can offer your services as a butler at the times that are of convenience to you, and make some extra money. On the other side, anyone can request a butler for a short period anytime.

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October 24, 2016

Develop and Test Your Own Board Game


You have an idea for a new board game and want to try it out.


An online board game editor, where you can design the game board quickly, with no knowledge or experience in graphics or design. You then write the rules, choose the pieces used in the game and invite others to play it online and test it. The more you test it, the more insight you gain. Based on that insight you can change the game, with each iteration making it better. When you deem it finished, you can publish it to the global directory where anyone can play it, and manufacturers can purchase the right to produce and sell it.

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October 18, 2016

Multi Level Curation Network on Specific Subjects


There are many good sources of information, editorials, and advice on specific subjects. The problem is, there are much more bad or average ones as well, sometimes overwhelmingly so.


Build a multi-level network of editors that scout for and curate the best in each subject matter.
An editor starts as a volunteer at the lowest level by submitting materials he scouts on the web on a subject matter. The next level editors receive these materials and transfer only the ones they deem as good enough to the next step editors. This goes on until the last top editor decides – from the materials that made it up to his level – what to publish at that time on the subject matter.
An editor gets to the next level when:
1. There is an opening there because someone left or the editorial team at that level is expanding.
2. And he has proved he is a good editor by submitting a lot of material that makes it to publication.
All editors and their status are listed in the publication.

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October 10, 2016

You Have Questions and You Start to Grow Out of Faith


Although not very common in adults, some people do grow out of religion. The process is complicated, especially for adults. Get help to understand and finding the right answers to your questions.


A platform for volunteers and people seeking help in their journey to atheism, to find each other and help the ones growing out of mysticism to get answers to their questions.

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October 10, 2016
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