Online Cigar or Pipe Smoking Party


A fun way to enjoy a cigar or a new pipe tobacco together with others.


Arrange for a time and a specific cigar or pipe tobacco that everyone participating smokes, and an online chat so everyone can discuss the experience with text audio and video.

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November 2, 2016

Sell Online Using the Phone


Selling on the phone is more effective, so why not combine it with online technology (especially for higher ticket items)?


A website with the technology that enables the sales person to help the buyer by controlling what is happening on the web page the buyer is on now (on the seller’s web site.) The sale will either start with a phone call to the buyer by the sales person, or a request by the buyer while on the web page. The sales rep will then continue in parallel on the phone and collaboratively on the web page, controlling and guiding the buyer in both mediums (if he is any good), enabled by the web site technology that allows him to change things on the fly on the web page the buyer is seeing (and only that page – anyone else browsing that oage sees the standard version.)

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November 1, 2016

Make Your Price Seem Better


If your price looks like a bargain, conversions should be higher.


If you can divide what you are selling into smaller units (one tip per chapter of your book, one technique per video, etc.), you can then ask the customer how much would such a small unit be worth to him. This will make the whole product (including multiple units) seem more like a bargain.

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November 1, 2016

Pay to Comment


A revenue stream and to filter who can comment.


Have a mechanism for people to comment online (on a blog post or an article) only if they pay a small amount.

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November 1, 2016

Design Studio Based on Calligraphy


A different approach to design.


A design studio that concentrates on creating different products with calligraphy as the main motif (home decor, beddings, office tools, etc.)

Icons made by Freepik


November 1, 2016