I Dream of This App
Let app developers know what you want.
A place where you can write an idea you had for an app that you would use. You can also vote up other people’s app ideas.
Let app developers know what you want.
A place where you can write an idea you had for an app that you would use. You can also vote up other people’s app ideas.
You would like them to take notice and do something about it.
A device that amplifies and the loud sounds they are producing and bounces it back at them.
It’s much better than a mechanical sound.
An alarm clock or app that allows you to record your loved one waking you up gently in her voice as the alarm sound.
To better match what you are “selling” with what they are “buying.”
If they stay on the page for a while (enough to indicate some interest), have a question pop up asking them what their intent is. For instance: “Hi. Let me help you find what you want quickly and easily. Please click on the one most relevant to you: 1. I want to buy this now. 2. I am not planning on buying right now but am looking for more information. 3. Other _________.”
Use the input to tailor your immediate response to fulfill their desire (and yours), and collect all answers for later analysis.
Hotels understandably show you the best photos of their rooms, grounds and the hotel building itself. These are many times misleading.
A website where people can upload their photos from their real life experience at the hotel. You can browse and look what’s probably a more realistic depiction.