Bollywood vs. Hollywood
Find out what are the equivalent films.
Have a website listing films that have a version in both “worlds”. Search for a film and see if there is an equivalent.
Find out what are the equivalent films.
Have a website listing films that have a version in both “worlds”. Search for a film and see if there is an equivalent.
Make it easy to vote on anything.
Have a platform where a user can create yes/no questions to have people vote on.
Be able to send up to 1 million emails per day for less than $100 per month.
Have a “push button” install of a server that includes everything needed. Have an API for connecting with all major email automation providers.
Every minute there is a new marketing tactic that works, being used in a new way by someone. Wouldn’t you like it if someone was to keep an eye out for these and publish them?
Mix human-curated and algorithmic search with human analysis to find the best new ways marketers are using old and new tactics. Don’t publish everything, only the best ones. Charge a high fee for membership.
We all use ads as an information source of sorts. Especially when we are looking for something. This will help you find exactly what you need when you need it and at the right price. All this without bothering you when you don’t need it.
A place where we only show you ads. You tell us what you need, by selecting topics or searching, and we’ll immediately show you the ads for what you are looking for. Never bother you when you don’t want, but always there with the best ads when you do.