Running Programs for Kids


Help your kids like running and make it a habit.


An app that has the following elements to help kids start and continue running:
1. Running programs specifically designed to help kids start running and fall in love with the results (achievement, self-esteem, health, beautiful body, etc.)
2. Sharing their way(s): to all the social networks they currently use, using the tools they like (emojis, stickers, etc.) and allowing for feedback to be seen in the running app.
3. Track and show the same data as for adults just in a more “youthful” way.
4. Apart from preprogrammed running sessions, also allow them to create their own interval training when they reach the point they want to.
5. All programs should have audio cues informing them what and when is the next interval.
6. Play their favorite music in the background.
7. Allow them to run together while at different geographical locations. This will enable them to communicate directly with each other during the run. Just like a group phone call.

Icons made by Freepik


December 27, 2016

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