Tag Archives forApp

Conversation Whisperer


Help you with facts and conversation techniques during social interactions.


An app and a hidden earplug that’s a microphone and a speaker. The app analyzes your conversation – what you and others say – and gives you live advice on the subjects that come up, and on your conversations style (according to the settings you choose.)

Icons made by Freepik


January 13, 2017

Just One Photo at a Time


Make people who like your work pay attention.


An app that only shows one picture – the last one you published. It will disappear when you post the next picture. Every time you publish a new picture, all your followers on this app (and other platforms like Twitter and Facebook) will receive notice of the new photo. They can and should save the picture if they want to keep it because when you publish your next one, it’ll disappear.

Icons made by Freepik


January 13, 2017

Learn to Draw Interactivity


If you would like to learn how to draw.


A tablet app that teaches you how to draw and gives you feedback based on your drawings done in the app.

Icons made by Freepik


January 11, 2017

Golden Hour Alert


Get an alert to go out and make some pictures.


An app that – based on your current location – alerts you when the golden hour begins.

Icons made by Freepik


January 7, 2017

Know if You Can Watch the DVD Online


You are at the store and see a DVD you would like to watch, but maybe it’s already available online for you through your subscription (Netflix, Hulu, etc.)


An app that lets you take a quick snap of the DVD’s cover and shows you where it’s available for streaming online.

Icons made by Freepik


January 6, 2017