Tag Archives forApp

Visual Dictionary App


Find out what is an object called.


Point the camera at the object; the app will recognize it and give you its name and other information, in your selected language.

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December 8, 2016

Can You Succeed In…


You might want to achieve something, but you’re not sure if you believe in yourself enough to get to the desired result.


A website and app, where you can list your goal, and invite friends to – anonymously to you – answer two questions. Do they think that:
1. you can achieve the goal?
2. you believe deep down inside, that you can achieve it.
The aggregated results are shown to you.

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December 6, 2016

Know Your Colors in Style


You should know what colors look good on you and what colors to avoid.


An app that takes a picture of your face analyzes the color of your hair, your skin, and your eyes. Based on the analysis it gives you advice on what colors to avoid and in which colors you will look good.

Icons made by Freepik


December 3, 2016

Clear the Clutter in Your Picture


You see something a bit away from you, but there are objects in the foreground obscuring your view.


A smartphone app that uses the camera to show you the parts you want to see without the obstructing elements in the foreground. It does so by asking you to move the camera in an as large area as you can, scanning the scene up and down, left and right. You then choose the distant object you want to see, and the app will work out – using the multiple exposures it continuously takes when you move the phone around – how to build a picture without the obstructions in the foreground.

Icons made by Freepik


November 29, 2016

Preemptive Motivational Reminder by Your Favorite Motivational Guru


During your day you might encounter a situation when you need a bit of encouragement or reminder.


Software that runs in the background of your computer, tablet, and smartphone, and monitors your behavior. When it detects certain signs it will determine by those and by past experiences what would be the best message for you to hear at that time. You will then hear (and also possibly see a video clip of) your favorite motivational speaker delivering that message to you. You can then give feedback if it hit the spot or not so that the software can learn to be more accurate.

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November 26, 2016
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