Tag Archives forAttention

A Different Approach to Opt in Pop Ups


To get the visitor’s attention without irritating them.


Have a small sprite animate across the screen, lodge itself to one end of the screen and follow the visitor when they scroll up and down. This can be triggered by time or exit intent just like a normal pop-up. It doesn’t have to be big, a small one might be better, and it should have an interesting image or symbol on it to make the visitor want to click it. Only when the visitor clicks it the opt-in pop-up appears.

Icons made by Freepik


November 23, 2016

Get More Conversions With Personalized Audio in Email Messages


Making email messages more personal is almost always leading to higher attention and conversion.


Embed in your HTML emails an auto play audio file that is a greeting customized to the receipt’s name. Something like “Hi John. I hope you are using the last tip I sent you. Read this to get even better results.”

Icons made by Freepik


October 17, 2016

Things to Do While…


There are always things you want or need to do that are time-consuming but not necessarily attention heavy, like walking, running, cleaning your house, etc.


Publish ideas submitted by users, for doing useful or enjoyable (and hopefully both) things that are uniquely suited for doing in parallel in these situations.

Icons made by Freepik


October 1, 2016

Name Your Price Experiment for Retailers


  1. Find out what price is right (at least how your customers see it.)
  2. Grab attention.


Advertise that for today (or this week) this product can be bought by what the customer thinks is the fair price. The product should not have an MSRP printed on it (like a book), and an important part is, that they read (and maybe sign) explanation for why you are doing it. Most important, is including what is involved in pricing a single product in the shop (explaining the cogs, how long they stay on the shelf on average and how much that costs, shipping to the store, cost of money “sitting in it”. Basically, show them the real cost for the store of offering them the product.) Then they can buy it for what they think is fair.
An analysis should follow this experiment to find out if there are interesting patterns of behavior.

Icons made by Freepik


September 18, 2016

Put the Customer in the Advertisement


It’s getting harder to get the attention of potential or existing customer with our ads.


When communicating with them through advertising using personal channels like email, instead of just showing them how others are benefiting their life with our product, put them inside the ad. If Coca-Cola is now showing young people in their ad’s image it would be good if we could insert a photo of the customer into the ad showing him how his life is good with Coke.

Icons made by Freepik


September 5, 2016